New website, new logo. I’ve had my old logo since 2009 and I felt it’s time for a change.
I’ve always thought that my last name was hard for people to pronounce and therefore, hard for people to remember me. However, it is my name and I never wanted to change it. I found that most people had difficulty at the start, but once they said it a few times, they were able to say it with ease, similar to being able to say Schwarzenegger, I guess.
When I decided I needed a new logo, I decided to abbreviate my last name to PGM, which stands for This helped people say my name while at the same time making it easier for people to remember me by.
From my initial sketches, I decided that I wanted a hand written logotype. Hand drawn type has a beauty that comes from being injected with the personality of the typographer. Once I had the form and composition of each of the letters, I wanted to make it come alive by making it 3D. I’ve been using Blender for the past year and thought I’d try using it to create my new logo.
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